Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Srinagar today to participate in the ‘Viksit Bharat Viksit Jammu Kashmir’ event. However, as part of security measures during his visit, drone and quadcopter flying have been temporarily prohibited in the region. The Srinagar Police declared the city as a ‘Temporary Red Zone’ for drone operations, urging citizens’ cooperation in adherence to the Drone Rules, 2021.
In anticipation of PM Modi’s visit, a young Kashmiri singer, Imran Aziz, from the Anantnag region, composed a song in honor of the Prime Minister. With lyrics praising Modi’s initiatives, including the repeal of Article 370, Aziz’s song reflects the sentiments of many Kashmiris eagerly awaiting the Prime Minister’s arrival.
Thousands are expected to join PM Modi’s rally in Srinagar, where heightened security measures have been put in place. Security forces have set up nakas in various regions to prevent any untoward incidents during the visit. Additionally, people in Kashmir are prepared to greet the Prime Minister, hopeful for the announcement of a development package.
PM Modi’s visit holds significant political implications, especially concerning the revocation of Article 370 and the forthcoming Assembly polls in Jammu and Kashmir. Since the abrogation of Article 370 in 2019, the region has been under heightened scrutiny, with various political parties seeking clarity on the future political landscape.
During his visit, PM Modi is expected to unveil 42 tourism sites under the Challenge Based Destination Development (CBDD) Scheme. This initiative aims to enhance tourism experiences, promote sustainability, and foster competition within the industry. The Prime Minister will also launch several initiatives under the Swadesh Darshan and PRASHAD programs, totaling over Rs 1400 crore, to bolster pilgrimage and tourism across the nation.
Furthermore, PM Modi will dedicate the ‘Holistic Agriculture Development Programme’ (HADP) to the nation, aimed at boosting Jammu & Kashmir’s agricultural sector. The program encompasses agriculture, livestock husbandry, and horticulture, benefiting around 2.5 lakh farmers through the specialized Daksh Kisan portal.
Additionally, PM Modi will issue appointment orders to approximately 1000 new government recruits in Jammu & Kashmir and interact with beneficiaries of various government projects. This visit underscores the government’s commitment to development and security measures in the region, signaling a significant step towards progress and prosperity in Jammu & Kashmir.